Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2007

February 14, 2007 will go down in history as my best Valentine's Day ever. We had a clinic appointment at UNC that morning with Samuel. We stopped at a drug store in Sanford on the way. We bought a big box of chocolate and several small boxes: the big one was for the docs to share, but the small ones were for all the nurses. With the bag of heart-shaped boxes in hand, we strolled off the elevator and, as usual, Samuel calls, "Nindy." Cindy is a nurse's assistant and is the first person patients see. Cindy loved Samuel (still does) and Samuel loved Cindy (I'm sure he still does). I handed Samuel a box of candy and he gave it to Cindy. We did this with each nurse that was on duty in the clinic that day. He was pretty sweet as usual. I found it interesting that at no time did he refuse to hand the candy to anyone, or try to keep it for himself.

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